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Visitor centre/Landscape shop Staverden



Staverden is known for the beautiful white mansion, with a moat and beautiful castle garden. It is surrounded by a very varied old forest and cultural landscape along the Staverdense Brook.

Beautiful Woods and beech avenues Exchange fields, meadows and monumental farms. Famous are also the flower-filled stream valley grasslands and heaths with the rare Juniper. Discover more about our estate in our Visitors Centre-landscape shop.

Take a seat at the reading table or watch a short film about the estate, while the kids have fun with various games, such as a wooden "cash cow" and interactive computer programs. Our Visitor Centre offers souvenirs and you can buy delicious local products. On cold days you can relax with a hot drink at the wood-burning stove and on hot days we’ll sell ice creams


Bezoekerscentrum/Landschapswinkel Staverden