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Blueberry nursery De Pollekamp


Blueberry nursery De Pollekamp is a gardener company where people are specialised in the cultivation of blueberries.

Blueberry nursery De Pollekamp is a gardener company where people are specialised in the cultivation of blueberries. The berry fields are spread across park-like grounds with hedgerows, woodland edges and avenues. At our nursery the only opportunity is to pick the blueberries yourself. So you can’t buy them picked and ready in boxes. During the harvest you can come and pick some blueberries yourself.
In the country shop you will get a bucket and on a designated field you can pick as much as you like. In the end you can weigh your blueberries in our shop.
At the nursery there is a blueberry pavilion present where you can go to pick your own blueberries in May, July and August. Lovely to eat them, but also to use it for a delicious jam or juice. Blueberries are easy to freeze, which means you can enjoy them for the whole year. In the blueberry pavilion are all kinds of (regional) products for sale where the berries are processed in like; jam, juice, tea, beer, wine, berries on brandy, honey, etc. At the terrace near the shop, right next to a blueberry field, you can enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, some lemonade, an ice-cream or for instance our pure berry juice . 


Bosbessenkwekerij De Pollekamp